Sazerac Company (“Sazerac”) is committed to implementing and enforcing controls to prevent child labor and modern slavery in our business and in our supply chain. This policy outlines the responsibilities of Sazerac, as well as those of the employee, and it gives clear guidelines about what is expected.

The United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 require companies to disclose their efforts to mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in their supply chain. Modern slavery and human trafficking include the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labor or anyone held in slavery or servitude.

As a responsible corporate citizen, Sazerac and its family of businesses is committed to take actions that will mitigate the risk of modern slavery and/or child labor in our business. In addition, we have regular contact with our vendors, suppliers and contractors to confirm that they are similarly committed to good practices in relation to their workforce and contractors. Our contracts with vendors, suppliers and contractors require compliance with all applicable laws. If necessary, we will engage with third parties to assist us in evaluating our supply chain.

As part of our commitment to broader human rights, we are committed to protecting the rights of children. We do not permit exploitation of children or involuntary servitude for our employees, or within our suppliers or business partners. We will not employ anyone under the legal minimum age for employment. Employees under the age of 18 will not perform any hazardous work.

We support our commitment and controls by providing training to our employees. The training is designed to create awareness around the problem of child labor and modern slavery, and to help employees identify the signs of child labor and modern slavery in our supply chain.

Any concerns relating to noncompliance with this statement are investigated promptly and appropriate actions will be taken based on the findings of the investigation.